Browse our full collection of Samples and Templates: Writing guides, templates, samples, and more! From ResumeWriterHK, Hong Kong’s leading Resume Writing firm.
Here’s a recent CV sample we did for a finance graduate. I’ll show you the final product first, then we’ll break it down section by section and I’ll walk you through our thought process, insights, and strategy
Not sure your CV is up to task?
Fill out the form below, and our team of HR Experts and Recruiters will get in touch to review your
CV for the Hong Kong job market.
We'll take a look at your resume, assess the roles you're applying to, and let you know how your CV
compares against other applicants.
We’ll also give you tips and strategies to improve your CV, advance your career goals, and increase
your interview call up rate.
Don’t hold back. Talk to us. This consultation is 100% FREE and